Hans-Evert Renérius (René)
Hans-Evert Renérius (René) was born in
1941 in the city of Jönköping, Sweden. His
home, however, is in the small town of Habo just north
of Jönköping, in the province of Väster-
götland in the south Swedish highlands.
Renérius attended grade school Habo 1948-1955.
After leaving school he worked for a while in an electrical
installation business at Habo. He attended a Commercial
School att Jönköping 1957-58, and at the same
time took correspondence courses leading to high school
graduation in 1961.
From 1961 - 1965 Renérius attended the Teachers
Training College at Linköping. He taught high school
in his home town of Habo, and then went to the University
of Göteborg for further studies 1967-1970. In the
fall of 1970 Renérius taught at the Teachers
Training College at Jönköping.
While at the Universsity of Göteborg Renérius
worked as a journalist att the well-known Swedish newspaper
Göteborgs Handels och Sjöfartstidning. He
also travelled in Greece and Spain, and worked on the
ship Kungsholm from Göteborg to New York.
Renérius has strong musical interests, and play
the piano and the trumpet. He is also interested in
games and athletics, and has played on bandy and football.
He also worked as a tennis coach for many years and
he is still doing.
Hans-Evert Renérius first poems were printed
in Jönköpings-Posten. Since then numerous
publications have carried his poetry - e.g. Horisont,
Lyrikvännen, Svenska Dagbladet, Scholasticus, Libertas,
Yggdrasil, Götheborske Spionen and many others.
First book in English - POEMS, 1971. (Anglo-American
Center) Martin Allwood and Charles Richatds.
At this time he have giving out 25 books in difference
categoriezs. Over 50 years he has written about books
in newspapers and in Btj - for the Swedish library.
Parts of his books is translated in several language.
Renérius has also written a book about emigration
and the well known author Vilhelm Moberg. He has written
about Greece and the town Athens, the islands in the
Greece archipelago. One title of his books have became
the name from the small village in Smaland to the city
of the Holy land: From Lönneberga to Jerusalem.